Litt of the Insect Fauna of the County. 125 galls in the May or June of the second year. Xenophanes Potentilla, Villers. Rosa canina, L. Stem and leaf. The well-known Bedeguar or Robin's pin-cushion occurs on the stem, and frequently single celled specimens occur as bright red hairy patches on the leaves. The beautiful green and red multi- locular galls vary much in size and shape, and the desiccated spe- cimens are often conspicuous ob- jects in the hedges in winter. The gall-flies emerge from the galls in spring. Rhodites Rosa:, Linne. Fig. 6. Rhodites Rosa. (Fig. 6). Rosa canina, L. Leaf and leaf- stalk. The smooth, round, pea- sized galls occur generally on the under side of tho leaflet, but occa- sionally on the upper side or on the leaf-stalk, and I once found a specimen on the fruit. They are green in colour, reddish when turned to the sun, but later become brown; their attachment to the Fig. 7. Rhodites Eglanteria. leaf is very slight, and when mature they fall to the ground at the least touch. The gall-flies emerge in spring. Rhodites Eglanteriae, Hartig. (Fig. 7). Rosa canina, L. Leaf. These galls are somewhat similar to the last, but are beset with from three to six spines of unequal length on their surface. They occur on the under side of the leaflet, and generally resemble those of R. Eg- lanteriae in situation, size, struc- ture, &c, with the above exception, Fig. 8. Rhodites Rosarum. Rhodites Rosarum, Giraud. (Fig. 8).