List of the Insect Fauna of the County. 129 in which the gall-gnat larva lives. It emerges from the pseudo-gall and pupates in the earth. Diplosis botularia, Winnertz. Scrophularineae. Veronica Beccabunga, L. Flower-head. The flower-head or seed capsule is transformed into an oval gall of about 1/4 in. long by 1/6 in. broad. The yellowish, hairy larva pupates within the gall. Gymnetron Beccabunga, Linne. Veronica Chamaedrys, L. Leaf. The terminal bud, when galled, be- comes arrested in development, and is a thickly-haired, whitish-green tuft. The orange-yellow larvae pu- pate amongst the closely imbricated woolly leaves, often several in a pseudo-gall. Cecidomyia Veronicae, Vallot. (Fig. 13). Labiatae. Nepeta Glechoma, Benth. (Gle- Fig. 13. Cecidomyia Veronicae. choma hederacea, Eng. Bot.). Leaf. Small, hairy, tubular galls, occur- ring in some numbers on the upper sides of the leaves. When mature the galls readily fall from the leaf, leaving several round holes in it. The single pale yellow larva pupates within the fallen gall. Cecidomyia Bursaria, Bremi. (Fig. 14). Nepeta Glechoma, Benth. Leaf, leaf-stalk, stem. Bound, oval, or irregularly shaped, hairy, fleshy, green galls, sessile on the leaf- stalk or stem, occupying the place of a leaf, but often with the leaf- edge produced from the gall. The Fig. 14. Cecidomyia Bursaria.