List of the Insect Fauna of the County. 133 When young it is a smooth, succulent, rounded, greenish gall; but when mature it is hard, brownish, really obconical in shape, but on the surface presenting a circular convex lid Fig. 17. Aphilothrix radicis. which falls off when mature, showing the pierced, circular, apical, woody septum of the gall surrounded with numerous small, circular punctures, this just below the surface of the bark. The galls are single-celled, but generally occur gregariously ; they are mature in autumn, and the gall-flies emerge therefrom in early spring. Aphilothrix corticis, Linne (Fig. 18) [agamous form of Andricus gemmatus, Adler] . Quercus Robur, L. Bark. Small acorn-like, red or brown galls occur- ring in clusters on the young off- Fig. 18. Aphilothrix corticis. shoots of oak-stubs or the smaller