List of the Insect Fauna of the County. 145 in June, just before the catkins fall. Spathegaster baccarum, Linne. (Fig. 42.) Fig. 42. Spathegaster baccarum. Quercus Robur, L. Leaf. This gall resembles green leaf-specimens of the former species (S. baccarum) in every respect, ex- cept that its surface is thickly covered with fine, soft, whitish hairs. The gall is mature in early summer, and the gall-fly emerges therefrom in July and August. Spathegaster tricolor, Hartig. (Fig. 48.) Fig. 43. Spathegaster tricolor. Quercus Robur, L. Leaf. The small gall of this species occurs at the margin of the young leaf, generally near its base. It is smooth, oval, and yellowish, some- what resembling a white mustard seed, except in shape (which is more oval). The gall, which is single-celled and thin-walled, is mature in spring, and the gall- Fig. 44. Spathegaster albipes. fly emerges therefrom in June. Spathegaster albipes, Schenck. (Fig. 44.)