168 The Mammalia, of Essex ; a Contribution towards a squirrel, and preys principally on birds, which it surprises when roosting. It also differs in not giving out the disgusting odour we usually associate with this family, and which has, amongst our native members, its greatest development in the polecat. Accounts of captures of martens are very unsatisfactory, as we cannot feel sure which of our two native species (if species they are) is referred to ; but I think the species under consideration is the one intended by Lubbock in his 'Fauna of Norfolk,' first published in 1845. He says "it still is occasionally found in Essex." Carnivora. Canidae. Vulpes vulgaris. Common Fox.—It is quite unnecessary to give any specific account of this fortunately common member of our fauna, as it is so well known by sight to almost every one. I say "fortunately common," and may it long remain so, being the object of, a sport which does so much to bring all classes together, encourages the breeding of horses, trains our young men as fearless riders, and does not make its votaries selfish and suspicious, as is the case in shooting, fishing, and most other sports. As far as I know the pursuit of the fox and its preservation are the causes of no damage to anything except a little poultry and game ; but the advantages are so manifest that we must be content to give these in exchange. So long as there are woods in the country, and the present condition of agriculture gives no reason to suppose they will be destroyed, so long will there be foxes, unless the game preserver takes to using strychnine,' and so destroys the sport of the many for a day or two's grand battue during the year ; but I hope we may never see this. Many anecdotes are related of the sagacity of this animal, but I need not go into them, as the fox's cunning is proverbial. Carnivora. Phocidae. Phoca vitulina. Common Seal.—This seal occurs sparingly on all parts of the coast, but it is not seen every year, and in fact the seals that have been taken on the Essex shores can