List of the Fauna of the County. 169 only be considered as stragglers. It has been killed in the Blackwater, in the mouth of the Thames, and elsewhere ; but one great difficulty and source of error in consulting records of the capture of Phocidae is that one can rarely be certain of the species, in consequence of the specimens having seldom been examined by competent naturalists. Cystophora cristata. Hooded Seal.—In 1847 a specimen of this seal was taken in the Orwell, and is now preserved in the Ipswich Museum. As the Orwell empties into Harwich harbour I think we are entitled to place this animal in our Essex fauna, although its normal habitat is within the Arctic circle. The above two species are the only seals that I am able to give as visiting the Essex coast without any doubt, but I do not see why the Grey Seal (Halichaerus gryphus) should not occur, as one of its breeding-stations, the Fame Islands, is on the Northumberland coast; it is a common species in the Hebrides and Shetland, and has been taken in the Isle of Wight. Rodentia. Sciuridae. Sciurus vulgaris. Common Squirrel.—This elegant and active little animal is so well known that very little need be said about it. It occurs in all parts of the county in suitable spots—that is, where there are woods. It is almost omnivorous in its tastes; birds' eggs and insects are occasionally eaten, but vegetables are its main support. In the early spring, when the beech is coming into leaf, I have noticed as many as six squirrels busily feeding in one tree on the young shoots, biting off and throwing down the leaves, and only consuming the stalk—that is, the young branch. In the autumn I have seen squirrels strip off the loose bark from dead branches, and carefully scrape out with their teeth the fungus fre- quently found in such situations. Whenever I have seen this going on I have noticed the position adopted for feeding is not the usual one; instead of sitting on its haunches, the squirrel almost invariably hangs head downwards. It is said to hybernate, but I much question whether it does so as a rule. It may occasionally take a prolonged sleep, but X