List of the Fauna of the County. 173 Rat" from its having arrived in this country about the same time as the Hanoverian Sovereign; no doubt this was a witticism of our Jacobin fellow-countrymen. Its fecundity, cunning, and omnivorous habits enable it to defy all efforts made to extirpate it, and the destruction wrought by game- preservers on so-called vermin, by getting rid of its natural enemies, is a great help to its continuous abundance in many districts. In the light soils of this neighbourhood (Colchester) every hedge has its colony, especially where game-preserving is carried out. There are few animals that fight more des- perately for life when driven into a corner ; all fear seems entirely to have forsaken the unfortunate beast, which appears determined to sell its life as dearly as possible, and few of its natural enemies will attack the Hanoverian Eat under these circumstances. I never saw cats even attempt it, they preferring to seize the rat whilst running; and almost every cat has its own peculiar method of doing so. One I remember, always with her foot turned the rat over on its back, caught it by the throat, and at the same time fell on her side and gave one violent kick; the result was immediate death to the unfortunate rat. Other cats throw them over their heads after having bitten them through the heart, and others again simply hold them in their mouths until the rats are dead. But in what way soever the cat seizes them she always takes care to avoid their formidable incisor teeth, and at the same time drives her canines into some vital spot. The town rat is very cautious and most difficult to trap, and his country cousin quickly takes warning after a few have been caught, and most adroitly avoids all snares and gins in the future. Rodentia. Arvicolidae. Arvicola amphibius. Water Rat.—Bell, quoting Water- house, says, "The animals comprising this family (Arvicolidae) have all the essential characters of the Muridae, but differ in having rootless molars and in the form of the lower jaw." There are other characters given, but rootless molars seem