182 Preliminary List of the Hymenomycetal visitors at our "Fungus Forays." Supplemental lists will be published from time to time as materials accumulate, and authenticated records of new gatherings will always be gladly received by the Editor for that purpose. Most of the species mentioned are described in Dr. Cooke's 'Handbook of British Fungi' (1871) or in the volumes of 'Grevillea' (1872 et seq.), and coloured figures of many are given in the latter periodical and in Cooke's 'Illustrations of British Fungi' now in course of publication.—Ed.] Agaricus (Amanita) Phalloides, Fr. Common (C.) „ Mappa, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, vernus, Fr. Highbeach (C.) ,, muscarius, Fr. Monks Wood (C.) ,, pantherinus, Fr. Highbeach (C.) ,, excelsus, Fr. Monks Wood (C.) ,, rubescens, Fr. Common (C.) ,, vaginatus, Fr. Common (C.) ,, strangulatus, Fr. (W. G. Smith.) Agaricus (Lepiota) procerus, Fr. Loughton (C.) ,, rhacodes, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, excoriatus, Schaeff. Epping (E.) ,, acutesquamosus, Wm. Epping (E.) ,, cristatus, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, granulosus, Fr. Common (C.) Agaricus (Armillaria) melleus, Fr. Common (C.) ,, mucidus, Fr. Highbeach (C.) Agaricus (Tricholoma) sejunctus, Sow. Highbeach (C.) ,, gambosus, Fr. Epping (E.) „ nictitans, Fr. (W. G. Smith.) ,, grammopodius, Bull. Epping (E.) ,, fulvellus, Fr. (W. G. Smith.) ,, acerbus, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, ustalis, Fr. Monks Wood (C.) ,, Columbetta, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, civilis, Fr. Epping (C.) ,, vaccinus, Fr. Epping (E.) ,, flavobrunneus, Fr. Monks Wood (C.)