Fungi of Epping Forest. 191 Clavaria pistillaris, L. Monks Wood (C.) Calocera viscosa, Pr. Epping (E.) ,, cornea, Pr. Epping (E.) Typhula phacorrhiza, Fr. Walthamstow (C.) Tremella foliacea, Pr. Epping (C.) ,, mesenterica, Fr. Epping (E.) Exidia glandulosa, Fr. Loughton (C.) The above list includes the species enumerated by Sowerby as having been found in this neighbourhood. In many genera the enumeration is known to be very imperfect, but this may be accounted for by the fact that until recently no definite record was kept, and only well ascertained species have been inserted under the impression that accuracy is preferable, even though it is secured by brevity. A first catalogue is usually an imperfect one, since it is limited to the observation of one or two individuals; but, with such a basis, it will not be difficult to extend it year by year, and to ultimately secure a moderately complete catalogue of the larger Fungi of the Forest district. To this end it is hoped that any well- authenticated occurrence of additional species will be com- municated to the Secretary.—M. C. C.