CONTENTS. PAGE I. Is Vanessa polychloros the prototype of V. Urticae? A Query suggested by the Aberrant Form of a specimen of V. Urticae of polychloros type. By William White. (With a woodcut.).................................. 1 Discussion. By the President, and A. G. Butler, F.L.S., F.Z.S............................................. 4 II. The Evolution of Fruits. By Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S............................................. 8 III. The Blackwater Valley, Essex. By W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., of H. M. Geological Survey. (With a Plate.).......... 15 IV. The Developmental Characters of the Larvae of the Noctuae as determining the Position of that Group. By Raphael Meldola, F.C.S., V.-P.E.S., &c. (With 2 woodcuts.) .. 19 V. Stone Implements from the Neighbourhood of Chelmsford, Essex. By Henry Corder. (With a Plate.) .......... 29 VI. Note on some ancient Bronze Implements ("Socketed Celts") from the Neighbourhood of Little Baddow, Essex. By Henry Corder........................... 31 VII. The First Night's "Sugaring" in England.—A Reminiscence of Epping Forest in 1843. By James English......... 32 VIII. On the Formation of a Local Museum. By J. E. Harting, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Member of the British Ornithologists' Union............................................. 36 IX. Infusoria: What are they? Their Collection and Investi- gation. By W. Saville Kent, F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. 44 X. Report on the Excavation of the Earthwork known as Ambresbury Banks, Epping Forest. By Major-General A. Pitt-Rivers, F.E.S., President of the Anthropological Institute. (With 3 Plates.).......................... 55