vi Contents. PAGE XI. On the Origin and Distribution of the British Flora ; with an Appendix on the River-basins of Essex as Natural- History Provinces. By Professor G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S. (With a Plate.)............................ 69 XII. On the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of the District around Colchester : A Contribution towards a List of the Fauna of Essex. By Henry Laver, M.R.C.S., F.L.S. .. 88 XIII. The Galls of Essex: A Contribution to a List of the Insect Fauna of the County. By Edward A. Fitch, F.L.S., Secretary to the Entomological Society. (With 50 wood- cuts.)............................................ 98 XIV. The Mammalia of Essex: A Contribution towards a List of the Fauna of the County. By Henry Laver, M.R.C.S., F.L.S............................................. 157 XV. A Preliminary List of the Hymenomycetal Fungi of Epping Forest: A Contribution to the Botany of the County. By M. C. Cooke, M.A., LL.D., A.L.S., and James L. English. 181 XVI. The Presidential Address. Delivered by Raphael Meldola, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., at the Annual Meeting, January 28th, 1882............................................. 192 Journal of Proceedings at Ordinary, Field, and other Meetings..................................... i—lxxxviii Index to Journal of Proceedings..................... lxxxix Errata............................................. xcii Appendix.—Report of the Council and Balance Sheet for 1881, Catalogue of the Library, List of Members, &c.