6 The Ancient Fauna of Essex, The following is a list of the land and fresh-water shells which wore obtained by me from the shell-marl at the Reservoirs of the East London Water-works Company, Walthamstow Marshes, Essex :— Helix hortensis, Muller. ,, nemoralis, Linn. ,, arbustorum, Linn. ,, ericetorum, Mull. ,, caperata, Montf. ,, hispida, Linn. Succinea putris, Linn. Zua lubrica, Mull. Clausilia bidens, Mull. Limnea stagnalis, Linn. ,, peregra, Mull., sp, ,, auricularia, Linn., sp. ,, palustris, Linn., sp. Limnea truncatula, Mull., sp. Planorbis corneus, Linn., sp. ,, carinatus, Mull., sp. ,, vortex, Linn., sp. Ancylus fluviatilis, Mull., sp. Valvata piscinalis, Mull. Bithinia tentaculata, Linn. ,, ventricosa, Gray. Neritina fluviatilis, Linn. Unio tumidus, Retz. „ pictorum, Linn. Pisidium amnicum, Mull. Cyclas cornea, Linn. Besides the Mollusca, the peat and shell-marl together yielded many evidences of man and his works. There were numerous skulls and portions of skeletons of both historic and prehistoric Britons, and remains of weapons showing the same variety of date. There were also found bronze spears and arrow-beads, a bronze knife, a bronze handle of a late Celtic dagger, and various examples of late Celtic earthen pots (some hand-made, and some turned with a wheel) ; and lastly, a flint scraper which I extracted myself from an undisturbed bed of dark loamy clay, three feet below the surface. List of Mammalian and other remains obtained from the peat and shell-marl at the Reservoirs of the East London Water-works Company, Walthamstow Marshes, Essex (1869):— Mammalia. Man.—By his osseous remains, and implements in stone, bone, bronze, and iron. Canis lupus, Linn. The Wolf.—Common. Vulpes vulgaris, Briss. Fox.—Not common. Castor europaeus, Owen. Beaver.—Several examples. Equus caballus, Linn. Horse.—Abundant. Sm scrofa-ferox, Linn. Wild Boar,—Abundant,