16 The Ancient Fauna of Essex. seems to be this: these animals were not only more active, but the majority of them were nocturnal in their habits ; and no doubt when the Herbivora were overtaken by floods it was frequently in the night when they were asleep—just the time when the Tigers, Lions, Bears, and Wolves would be wide awake; and they would probably get up the nearest tree or escape to the higher ground, 'or some other suitable place, and so avoid the catastrophe. And, indeed, many of them must have escaped, or we should have a far larger proportion of their remains ; though it must always be borne in mind that one pair of Lions or one pair of Bears occupied a very large tract of country; and therefore we should not expect them to be in such numerical abundance as the Herbivora on which they fed. It may be interesting to inquire how it happens that the remains of both northern and southern forms are found com- mingled together in these deposits. When those immense herds of Mammoths occupied the North Sea Valley and the adjacent countries, it seems probable that the conditions of climate in the extreme North of Europe and Asia had previously become unbearable for them, and they had been driven south. At any rate, if they did not remain all the year, they migrated south every winter. All the Arctic species would come down into this country for the winter, and stay here until the summer invited such animals as the Reindeer, the Elk, and the Musk-Ox to migrate north- ward in great herds, as they do at the present day on the Continent, towards the feeding grounds, which in winter are uncongenial to them, but in summer afford them rich pasturage. In the same way, in the summer season, the Rhinoceros, the Hippopotamus, and other more southern animals, with great herds of Wild Horses, would no doubt advance northwards and westwards with the change of season. Such climatal and physical conditions enable us to explain that curious admixture of animal-remains found in these deposits, which otherwise would not be so easy to comprehend. We are moreover confirmed in this view . by the fact that we find the same state