38 The Macro-Lepidoptera of the quite common in England, and was recorded from the following places near Maldon : Bradwell-on-Sea, Latching- don, Burnham, and Mundon. The only specimen since taken was captured in 1879 by Mr. S. Williams at Gold Norton. V. IO, L. V. ATALANTA, L. V. cardui, L.—Apparently not so abundant as formerly. Occurs regularly on the summit of Loddart's Hill, Hazeleigh. Arge galathea, L.—Hazeleigh. A single specimen only, some years since. Satyrus aegeria, L. — Hazeleigh ; Purleigh ; Danbury ; Woodham Ferrers Hall Wood. S. megaera, L. S. janira, L. S. tithonus, O.—Very abundant. S. hyperanthus, L.—Abundant, but somewhat local. Coenonympha pamphilus, L. Thecla rubi, L.—Of general occurrence. In some plenty at Danbury. T. quercus, L.—Danbury ; Hazeleigh ; Purleigh ; Wood- ham Ferrers. In oak-woods, common. Imago is also fond of settling on young ashes ; larvae occasionally on sallow. T. w-album, Kn.—Very abundant in the district, extending from Danbury to St. Lawrence. Imago on bramble-flowers; larvae prefer wych-elm. T. betulas, L.—Hazeleigh; Mundon. Rare; generally in larval state. Polyommatus phlaeas, L.—Common. The second brood is always more abundant than the first. Lycaena agestis, S. V.—Hazeleigh. Sometimes common, but is local. L. alexis, S. V. L. argiolus, L.—Danbury; Hazeleigh; Woodham Morti- mer. Never abundant, but fairly common at Danbury. Nemeobius lucina, L. — Woodham Ferrers Hall Wood. Common, but local. Syricthus alveolus, H.—Danbury; Hazeleigh; Woodham Ferrers. Thanaos tages, L.—Woodham Ferrers. Fairly common. Hesperia sylvanus, L.—Very abundant. H. linea, S. V.— Occurs in great abundance, especially at Hazeleigh. This species does not seem to be decreasing in numbers, as is the case in many other localities.