40 The Macro-Lepidoptera of the L. griseola, H.—The commonest of the genus. L. quadra, L.—Hazeleigh Wood. Once only. Euchelia jacobeae, L.—Hazeleigh, once. Maldon, three or four larvae taken by Mr. E. A. Fitch. The sparing occurrence of this species is remarkable. Where it is found it is generally abundant. Chelonia caja, L.—Fairly abundant. Arctia mendica, L.—Hazeleigh; scarce. A. LUBRICIPEDA, L. A. MENTHASTRI, S. V. Liparis chrysorrhoea, L. — In the larval state is common in the district. L. auriflua, F. L. salicis, L.—Maldon, common. Hazeleigh, introduced; has flourished for ten years. Orgyia pudibunda, L.—Hazeleigh. Probably general. O. fascelina, L.—Woodham Walter. Used to be abundant a few years since, but I have failed to find it lately. O. antiqua, L. Trichiura crataegi, L.—Hazeleigh; Maldon; Woodham Mortimer; Woodham Ferrers. Poecilocampa populi, L.—Maldon ; at light. Eriogaster lanestris, L.—Common in larval state. Bombyx neustria, L,—Very abundant. B. rubi, L.—Danbury; larvae found occasionally. B. quercus, L.—Abundant. Odonestis potatoria, L.—Very common. Lasiocampa quercifolia, L. — Danbury ; Hazeleigh ; Pur- leigh. Larvae generally on blackthorn. Saturnia carpini, S. V. — Hazeleigh ; Woodham Walter. Larvae on whitethorn and sallow. Geometrae. Ourapteryx sambucata, L.—Common. Epione apiciaria, S. V.—Hazeleigh ; rare. RUMIA CRATAEGATA, L. Venilia maculata, L. — Danbury; Woodham Ferrers; Woodham Walter. Abundant, but local. Angeronia prunaria, L.—Hazeleigh Wood; common. Metrocampa margaritata, L.—Common. Eurymene dolabraria, L. — Hazeleigh. Not uncommon; generally among oaks in woods. Pericallia syringaria, L.—Hazeleigh Wood. Not abundant. Selenia illunaria, H. S. lunaria, S. V. — Hazeleigh, One specimen resulting from a larva beaten off maple in 1881.