Primaeval Man in the Valley of the Lea. 113 left by primeval man in Paleoli- thic times. At 8 feet below the "floor," and about 12 feet from the surface of the ground, is a bed of gravel and sand 8 ft. in thickness, containing imple- ments of older date; this bed is shown at the base of both the upper and lower sections in fig. 5. To more clearly show the nature of the "floor," the 60 feet of the up- per figure (where marked) is en- graved below to a larger scale; b is the 12 ft. gravel containing rolled fossil bones and abraded Paleoli- thic implements; o is fine buff- coloured sand, often full of fos- sil shells of land and fresh-water molluscs; d d d is the "floor," with its numerous