On the Species of the Genus Primula in Essex. 175 which will, however, be found correctly to describe the area occupied by this plant in Essex. The boundary-line is a very sharp one, and the Primrose comes close up to it on all its Essex sides. I have myself made out this line, so that I do not think the district can be further extended in Essex unless it be to the N. of Birdbrook, Ashen, and Little Yeldham; although very probably it might be found to extend into the contiguous portions of Herts, Cambridgeshire, and Suffolk. P. elatior is met with in Great Hales Wood, Little Hales Wood, Monk's Hall Wood, and all the many woods about Ashdon and Hadstock; in Pounce Wood, and all the nu- merous woods lying round it to the N.E. of Saffron Walden; in a damp meadow and in all the woods round Debden Park; in some woods near Newport; at Widdington, Henham, and Ugley; in Quendon Wood, and the woods round Elsenham, Stanstead Montfitchet, and Birchanger; in Parker's Wood, and Dawkins Wood, near Takeley; in a large wood and a meadow near Thremhall Priory;35 in a large wood near Broxted; in the Maze and other woods at Tiltey; in a meadow beside the brook near Lashley Hall, and in Galley Wood, Dow Wood, Bigods Wood, and Dow Wood Springs at Lindsell; sparingly in Fox's Wood, and abundantly in Lub- berhedges Wood, Great Bardfield; in a moist meadow near "Woolpits," and in Newpster Wood and several other woods in Great and Little Saling ; at Panfield, Grinstead Green, Shalford Park Wood; on the sides of the small ditches in the lowest parts of the wet meadows on both sides of the river near Codham Mill; in a large wood close to Wethers- field ; sparingly in a low meadow between that place and Finchingfield; in the Mount Hall Woods, Little Sampford, and in a wet meadow adjoining them ; in Hempstead Wood, and Laker's Grove; in Old Park Wood, Stambourne, and a wet meadow below the church; in Pitiful Wood, and a low meadow near Ridgwell, also in a meadow near the church; in Hyde Wood, Little Yeldham; sparingly in 12-acre Wood, Belchamp Otten, also in Avesey Wood, Thax- ted; in Bolcrow Wood, Grassy Wood, Brockley Wood, Peverill's Wood, Rowney Wood, Oak Wood, and apparently without exception in all the other woods extending the whole way between Thaxted and Saffron Walden.36 35 'Phytologist,' vol. i., p. 971. 36 From this it may be seen that, although the Oxlip does not occupy the whole of any one of Prof. Boulger's Essex Drainage Districts (Trans. Essex Field Club, ii., p. 79), still it inhabits a considerable portion of all of them except No. III. (River Crouch).