214 Report of Committee on the or Romano-British construction, hut the data obtained were insufficient to fix the age of the entrenchment with greater precision. The second entrenchment, now called the "Loughton" or "Cowper's" Camp, remained unknown until it was discovered by the acumen and perseverance of Mr. B. H. Cowper. Mr. Cowper thus recounts the circumstances attending his recognition of the camp :—"In the course of my researches in the Forest, I came, in the summer of 1872, into the neigh- bourhood of Loughton. There it was that I suddenly detected what appeared to be a portion of a moated enclosure. A short investigation was then all that I could make, but I was con- vinced of the reality of the conjecture. I made some inquiries, but failed to discover any record or local knowledge of a camp in that portion of the Forest, and there the matter ended for the time. In 1875 I returned, and after several efforts managed to complete the circuit of the camp, which was a difficult operation. I gave as much publicity as possible to the discovery, and in addition went over all the ground between the Loughton Camp and Ambresbury Banks. Friends took an interest in the matter, and foremost among them was Mr. W. D'Oyley, who rendered the greatest service and accomplished a complete survey of both the ancient earth- works." By means of this discovery Mr. Cowper made an important addition to the knowledge we possess of the Archaeology of the Forest district; and in his various papers, the titles of which are here recorded, he gave a careful description of the earthwork and its surroundings, and com- pared it with the neighbouring Ambresbury Banks. Mr. Cowper's writings on the subject are as follows :—(1) "Notes on an Entrenched Camp in Epping Forest, with plan by Mr. D'Oyley"; read at a meeting of the Royal Archaeological Institute, November 5, 1875;3 (2) "Ancient Earthworks in Epping Forest";4 (8) "Ancient Camps in Epping Forest, with plans by William D'Oyley, of Loughton"; a pamphlet published by the Committee of the "Epping Forest Fund" in 3 'Archaeological Journal,' vol. xxxiii., p. 88. 4 Loc. cit., p. 245.