222 Report of Committee on the "weathering" that its original form is not recoverable. In this second section (Plate IV., fig. 2) the following objects were found:— Nos. 12, 13, and 14. Three good pointed flakes, showing good "bulbs" and several "facets," two of greyish, and one of reddish coloured flint, unweathered. Found with the fol- lowing :— Nos. 15, 16, and 18. About two dozen flint flakes, with bulbs of percussion, and some exhibiting one or more "facets," all quite unweathered; found with Nos. 12 and 13, and other flakes and chips, large quantities of charcoal, burnt stones, &c,, near foot of interior slope of rampart, about two feet from surface. There were evident signs of a large fire at this spot, around which the flakes were scattered. No. 19. Good black flint flake, unweathered; found further in the rampart than the last, but also near abundant traces of charcoal, burnt stones, and ashes. No. 20. Flint celt, somewhat roughly chipped; about 5 inches long, and 1.5 inches broad, with worked chisel-like ends, and one side chipped into an acute edge, the other being obtuse. Perhaps not finished, but unweathered. Found well beneath the body of the rampart, about 4 feet down (see infra, fig. 3). Nos. 21, 22, and 23. Five flint flakes, with "bulbs" and two or more "facets"; found well under the crest of the rampart, and considerably above the old surface line. No pottery was found in the second section, although every possible care was taken that even the smallest fragments should not be passed over. General Pitt-Rivers examined the ground and the objects obtained on June 14th, but he and the other members of the Committee were of opinion that further evidence should be sought for before any safe conclusion could be arrived at as to the period of the camp. A third cutting was therefore commenced on Monday, Aug. 14, the spot selected being a good piece of rampart near the south- east corner of the camp. This cutting was 8 feet wide, but, as the escarp was thickly covered with large trees, and the form of the ditch had been determined in the second section,