Ancient Earthwork in Epping Forest. 223 it was not considered necessary to incur the expense of carrying the trench beyond the crest of the rampart, about 26 feet from the base of the interior slope. The old surface of the earth was readily recognised, and was found to take a deep downward slope, so that the "made earth" of the rampart, although externally apparently greatly denuded, was at least 6 feet thick at the deepest part. The following objects were found in this cutting (Plate IV., fig. 8):— Nos. 24 and 35. Flint "core," artificial splinter, and flake. Found in interior slope of rampart, about 15 feet from com- mencement of cutting, and about 2 feet from the surface. No. 25. Flint "core," found in crest of rampart, about 18 inches from the surface. Nos. 27 to 32. Twelve pieces of pottery, varying in size from 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches to quite small fragments, all being about 0.3 inch thick. This pottery is of superior quality to that found in No. 1 cutting. It is thinner, harder, and is formed of sandy clay, with no grains of quartz or pebbles in the paste. The colour is dull reddish brown on the surface, but a blackish tint obtains in the centre, an indi- cation of imperfect firing. The curved form of most of the fragments shows that they have belonged to circular vessels, and two of the pieces have "rims," somewhat rudely modelled, which project about 0.1 inch. There are no signs of lathe- turning, and the pottery was doubtless hand-made. A black flint flake was found near No. 30. All the pieces came from well within the interior slope, about 21/2 feet from the surface of the rampart. No. 33. Two flakes, one with three or four "facets"; and No. 34, long slender flake, having good "bulb" and many facets; all unweathered, and from a position well under the crest of the rampart. A fourth cutting was made longitudinally into the same piece of rampart, at the point where it slopes away into the morass, at the south-east corner, above described. This trench was 6 feet broad, and about 14 feet long (see Plate IV., fig. 4): in it were only found :— No. 36. A small fragment of pottery, seemingly a portion