CONTENTS. I.—The Ancient Fauna of Essex. By Henry Woodward, LL.D., F.E.S., F.G.S. (With 10 woodcuts.) . . . . 1 II.—The Macro-Lepidoptera of the District around Maldon, Essex. By Gilbert H. Raynor, M.A.......30 III.—On Deneholes. By T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. (With 2 plates.) 48 IV.—The Presidential Address (Darwin and Modern Evolution); delivered by Raphael Meldola, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., at the Annual Meeting, January 27th, 1883. .... 59 V.—In Memoriam: Sir Antonio Brady, J.P., F.G.S. (With Portrait.)..........94 VI.—Prirmaeval Man in the Valley of the Lea. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S., M.A.I. (With 24 woodcuts.) . . .102 VII.—On the Species of the Genus Primula in Essex; with ob- servations on their variation and distribution, and the relative number and Fertility in Nature of the two forms of Flower. By Robert Miller Christy. (With 4 illus- trations and 2 sheets of tables.).....148 VIII.—Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the Ancient Earthwork in Epping Forest, known as the "Loughton" or "Cowper's" Camp. Drawn up by the Honorary Secre- tary, with the assistance of the other Members of the Committee. (With 2 plates and 3 woodcuts.) . . . 212 IX.—Notes on the London Clay and Bagshot Beds at "Oakhill Quarry," Epping Forest. By N.F.Robarts, F.G.S. (With 3 illustrations.).........231 Journal of Proceedings at Ordinary, Field, and other Meetings. i—c Short Papers:—Note on the Woolwich Beds at Leyton, Essex. By A. P. Wire, iii. — Chipped Celt found at Enfield. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. (with woodcut), xiv. —