ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATES. FACE PAGE I.—Maps showing the Areas occupied respectively by Chalk and overlying beds near Grays, Essex, and between Bexley and Dartford, Kent....... 54 II.—Plans and Sections of Deneholes..... 54 III.—Plan of Loughton Camp, Epping Forest .... 216 IV.—Sections through Rampart of Loughton Camp . . . 220 WOODCUTS, &c. PAGE Sections exposed during the construction of the Reservoirs of the East London Water-works Company, at Walthamstow . 4, 5 Musk-Ox........... 10 Skeleton of Gigantic Irish Deer....... 12 Lower Jaw of Mammoth........ 14 Skull of Great Sabre-toothed Tiger...... 15 Skull and Lower Jaw of Rhinoceros leptorhinus .... 17 Geological Section from Crayford to Hangman's Wood . . 20 Geological Map of the District around Ilford .... 21 Portrait of Sir Antonio Brady....... 95 Map and Sections of part of N.E. London, showing disposition of gravels.......... 108 Sections of "Palaeolithic Floor" at Stoke Newington . .113,116 Sections of "trail" and "warp" at Clapton . . . .117,118 Palaeolithic Implement of the oldest class..... 123 Pointed weapon.......... 124 Chopping-tool.......... 125 Massive scraper.......... 126 Unfinished tool........... 126 Implement in a preparatory stage...... 127