viii Illustrations. PAGE Pointed implements and scraper...... 128 Ovate implement......... 133 Fabricator........... 134 Anvil-stone.......... 135 Quartzite Hammer-stone ........................ 136 Plain side of an artificial flake....... 137 Three Neolithic Celts, found near Temple Mills, Essex . . 146 Vertical sections of long- and short-styled Primrose . . . 151 Map of part of N.W. Essex, showing districts occupied by Primula elatior......... 174 Abnormally large umbel of P. elatior..... 183 Plant of P. elatior, showing peculiarities usually connected with "solitary" flowers........ 189 Conjoined flakes from Loughton Camp.....224, 225 Celt found in Loughton Camp . . . . . . . 226 Section of strata between Chigwell Row and Waltham . . 232 Section at Oakhill Quarry, Epping Forest..... 235 Section showing relative position of the Oakhill Quarry and Brickfield.......... 236 Chipped and partly polished Celt found at Enfield . . . xv The Rotifer Parasite on Vaucheria...... xlvi Thomas's Vivarium......... l Fairy Ring Fungus ......... lxx Fairy Ring. The ground partly shown in section . . . lxxi Diagrams illustrating various forms of inflorescence . . . lxxxviii