TRANSACTIONS OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. I. The Presidential Address; Delivered by Professor G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S., at the Annual Meeting, January 26th, 1884. Ladies and Gentlemen, Since our last Annual Meeting, when you did me the honour to elect me to this chair, I think I may say that the Club has experienced a year of life that may fairly he termed successful. The nett increase in our numbers is satisfactory; but I would impress upon you the importance of still further enlisting the sympathies of residents in the county, especially in its more remote parts. Unable to attend our meetings, and in some cases beyond the range of the Field Meetings we have as yet attempted, it is by our publications that we must appeal to this wider constituency, in order that we may with their aid more completely repre- sent the county, and come to be, in the words of our late circular, "looked upon as the Scientific Registry Office for the county." We have had to deplore the loss by death during the year of Mr. G. S. Gibson, of Mr. J. E. Howard, and of Dr. Charles T. Pearce, the latter a frequent attendant at our meetings, well known as an opponent, I regret to say, of vaccination. George Stacey Gibson1 was born on July 20th, 1818, at Saffron Walden. He was the only child of Wyatt George 1 [The photograph from which the portrait is taken was kindly lent to the Editor for the engraver's use by Mrs. Gibson.—Ed.] VOL. IV.