The Presidential Address. 9 of nomenclature and classification of clouds proposed in 1802 and still in general use. He was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and a correspondent of the poet Goethe, who wrote a poem upon him. His wife was descended from the Westons, Earls of Portland. JOHN ELIOT HOWARD, F.R.S.4 After leaving school, Mr. J. E. Howard joined his father in the business at Stratford, with which he remained in con- nection until his death.6 He joined the Pharmaceutical Society in 1853, not being, as has been stated, one of the 4 [For this portrait we are indebted to the kindness of the Editor of the 'Graphic' It is engraved from a photograph by Messrs. Maull & Co. —Ed.] 5 His first paper was published in 1852, and was very characteristic of much of his work, being a lengthy and exhaustive report on the Collection of Cinchona in the British Museum made by the Spanish botanist, Pavon.