42 A Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Clerck, which I met with subsequently (July 25th) near the "Forest School," between Wanstead and Walthamstow; Theridion formosum, Clerck, Attus pubescens, F., and Cheiridium museorum, Leach, found since in the same locality by Mr. E. J. Pickard-Cambridge. Class—ARACHNIDA. Order—Araneidea.1 Family—Drassidae. Drassus lapidicolens, Walck.—Under stones and among roots and debris of heather and other plants. D. infuscatus, Westring.—An exceedingly rare spider; among dead leaves and moss. I feel but little doubt that this spider is identical with D. criminalis, Cambr.; the latter being its scarcely-adult female form. Clubiona compta, C. Koch.—On branches of low trees, and on bushes. C. terrestris, Westr.—Among dead leaves and moss. C. brevipes, Blackwall.—On bushes and boughs of low trees. Micaria pulicaria, Sund.—Under rooty and grassy ledges. Hecaerge spinimana, Sund.—Dead leaves, moss, and debris. Phrurolithus festivus, C. Koch.—At heather roots, and among dead leaves, &c. Family—Dictynidae. Dictyna arundinacea, Linn.—On low plants. D. latens, Fabr.—Ditto. Family—Agelenidae. Hahnia montana, Blackw.—Among dead leaves. Tegenaria derhamii, Scopoli.—In outbuildings near the Forest. Family—Theridiidae. Pholocomma gibbum, Westr.—A rare and curious little spider ; among heather stems, and debris of herbage. 1 For descriptions, &c, of the species of this group, see 'The Spiders of Dorset' (Sherborne, 1879-81) by the author, published by the "Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club," where also references will be found to Mr. Blackwall's magnificent folio, 'The Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland' (London, 1861-64; Ray Society).