Arachnida of Epping Forest. 43 Theridion sisyphium, Clerck.—On low plants and on heather; abundant. T. formosum, Clerck.—Two adult females, near "Forest School," Wanstead, June, 1884. T. varians, Hahn.—On various plants and low boughs of trees ; frequent. T. simile, C. Koch.—On various low plants. Phyllonethis lineata, Clerck.—On bushes and plants of various kinds ; frequent. Steatoda bipunctata, Linn.—Under rooty ledges. S. guttata, Wider.—Bather a rare spider; in similar situations with the last. Neriene fusca, Blackw.—Grass and heather roots. N. viva, Cambr.—A rare spider. Among weeds, &c, in an old gravel-pit. N. livida, Blackw.—Among dead leaves. N. innotabilis, Cambr.—Ditto. N. herbigrada, Blackw.—Among moss and dead leaves. Walckenaera bifrons, Blackw.—On low bushes and branches of trees. W. picina, Blackw.—Under dead leaves, W. cucullata, C. Koch.—Ditto. W. acuminata, Blackw.—Females only. Ditto. Linyphia obscura, Blackw.—Bather a rare spider ; on low bushes, and often in interstices of bark of trees. L. tenebricola, Wider.—On grass and other herbage. L. bicolor, Blackw.—On herbage of various kinds. L. concolor, Wider.—Among debris and under stones and bits of wood. L. peltata, Wider.—On branches of trees and bushes. L. triangularis, Clerck.—On bushes and low plants. L. clathrata, Sund. — Among dead leaves and other debris. L. ericaea, Blackw.—On grass and herbage. L. zebrina, Menge.—On grass and among dead leaves and sticks. Ero thoracica, Wider.—Among debris of sticks and pieces of wood.