44 A Contribution towards the Knowledge of the Family—Epeiridae . Tetragnatha extensa, Linn. — On low plants, bushes, and trees. Meta segmentata, Clerck.—On bushes and low plants. M. merianae, Scopoli.—Under rooty ledges. Epeira cucurbitina, Clerck.—On bushes and low trees. E. diademata, Clerck.—Ditto. Family—Thomisidae. Xysticus cristatus, Clerck.—On grass and other herbage. Family—Lycosidae . Ocyale mirabilis, Clerck.—Among herbage of all kinds. Trochosa terricola, Thorell.—Among dead leaves and herbage. Lycosa amentata, Clerck.—On grass and low herbage. L. pullata, Clerck.—Ditto. L. lugubris, Walck.—Among dead leaves ; abundant. L. annulata, Thorell.—Among short herbage and dead leaves. L. nigriceps, Thorell.—Among grass, dead leaves, &c. Family—Salticidae . Epiblemum scenicum, Clerck.—Common ; running about on walls. Marpessa muscosa, Clerck.—On old palings; rather abun- dant, but all immature (July 25th). A local spider; one of the largest British species of this family. Neon reticulatus, Blackw.—Among dead leaves and moss. Euophrys frontalis, Walck.—On grass, dead leaves, &c. Attus pubescens, Fabr.—An adult female (of the very dark variety sparsus of Blackwall) near "Forest School," Wanstead, June, 1884. Order—PHALANGIDEA. Family—Phalangiidae. Phalangium cornutum, Clerck.—Among grass and other low herbage.