54 IV. On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, and the Causes affecting its Recent Diminuation. By the Rev. James M. Crombie, M.A., F.L.S., &c. [Read April 28th, 1883.] The first list of the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest is that given in Turner and Dillwyn's 'Botanist's Guide,' published in 1805. In this the following fifteen species are enumerated, viz.:— Lichen pinicola. ,, sophodes. ,, tigillaris. ,, lynceus. ,, graniformis. ,, pezizoides. ,, sphaeroides. „ inquinans. Lichen tesselatus. „ palmatus. „ granulatus. ,, subtilis. ,, trapeziformis. ,, pulmonarius. ,, vermicularis. All the above, with the exception of Lichen pinicola, Lichen lynceus, and Lichen vermicularia, are recorded as having been gathered by Edward Forster, jun., who, residing in the dis- trict, collected at intervals for nearly half a century the lichens of the Forest. The next list is that given by Mr. Forster himself in his MS. notes interleaved in his copy of the above work of Turner and Dillwyn—a transcript of which, made by your President (Professor Boulger), I have had the advantage of perusing. In this, exclusive of several species from other parts of Essex, as also of some "Spilomas," there are enumerated, in addition to the above, the following forty species, which I have transcribed in the order in which they occur in the MS.:— Lichen farreus. ,, aipolius. ,, aryenus. „ coarctatus. Lichen turneri. ,, scolecinus. ,, scalaris. ,, polycarpus.