56 On the Lichen-Mora of Epping Forest, localities, &c, contained in the above list, in Forster's herbarium, and collected by myself during these excursions'. List of the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest. Family—Collemacei. Tribe—Collemei. Collema furvum, Ach. — On a tombstone in Walthamstow Churchyard, and also in Chingford Churchyard. Sterile (Hb. E. F. s. n. Collema granulatum). Now extinct. C. cheileum, Ach. — On walls at "Walthamstow. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Now extinct. Leptogium subtile, Schrad. — Edges of clay-pit near Hale End, in the Forest. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). Also on a bank near the Wake Arms. Sterile (J. M. C). L. microphyllum, Ach. — On trees between Reevesgate and Copthall Green. Fertile (Hb. E. F. .s. n. Collema fragrans). At High Beach. Sterile (J. M. C). Now extinct in both localities. L. palmatum, Huds. — On the Forest, near Hale End. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Not observed by me. L. lacerum, sub-sp. pulvinatum, Ach.—In the Forest, near the windmill. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Now extinct. Family—Lichenacei. Tribe—Caliciei. Sphinctrina turbinata, Pers. — Parasitic on the thallus of Pertusaria communis upon an old oak (since felled) at High Beach (J. M. C). The only locality in which I have seen it. Calicium chrysocephalum, Ach. — On barn-doors at Wal- thamstow (Hb. E. F.). I have nowhere seen this species in the Forest. C. melanophaeum, Ach. — On stumps of felled trees near High Beach (J. M. C). Not seen by me recently. Var. ferrugineum, T. & B. — On pales in a garden in Hoe Street, Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.). On old pales at the Warren. Sterile (J. M. C). C. hyperellum, Ach. — On old trunks beyond Mount Pleasant, High Beach. Very sparingly (J. M. C).