58 On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, G. fimbriata, Hoffm.—On mossy felled stumps in the Long Running. Sterile (J. M. C.). Apparently very rare. Var. tubaeformis, Hoffm. — On decayed stumps at Little Hale, Walthamstow. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). On the ground near the British Camp [Loughton ?]. Sterile (J. M. C.). F. exigua, Huds.—On the Forest, near Hale Bank. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). Var. carneopallida, Flk. — On mossy stumps near Snares- brook. Sparingly fertile (Hb. E. F.). I have not seen this anywhere in the Forest. Sub-sp. C. fibula, f. nemoxyna, Ach. — On Epping Forest. Sparingly spermogoniferous (Hb. E. F.). Var. subcornuta, Nyl. — On the Forest, near the King's Oak. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Neither this nor the preceding has been observed by me.1 C. gracilis, f. chordalis, Flk. — On the Forest, near the Bald-faced Stag. Sparingly fertile (Hb. E. F.). On heaths near the Wake Arms. Sterile and sparingly (J. M. 0.). C. fucata (subulata). — On Epping Forest. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Great Monk's Wood. Sterile (J. M. C). Not seen by me recently. Var. spinosa, Lightf. — Field near Hoe Street. Sterile. Also near High Beach. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). In the latter locality very sparingly and sterile (J. M. C). Sub-sp. C. racemosa, Flk.—On the Forest, near High Beach. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). Wake Valley (J. M. CY). Very rare. C. pungens, Flk. — On the Forest, near Haggar Lane. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). About the roots of trees in Monk's Wood and at High Beach. Sterile (J. M. C). C. squamosa, Hoffm. — Epping Forest, near Bankers (?). Sterile (Hb. E. F.). I have nowhere observed this species. Sub-sp. C. aspersa, Flk. — On Epping Forest, beyond the Bald-faced Stag. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). In the Wake Valley. Sparingly and sterile (J. M. C). C. caespiticia, Flk. — On decayed stumps, Epping Forest. 1 To some state of this variety is evidently referable the Lichen vermicularis of the 'Botanists' Guide,' which certainly was never gathered as alleged by Don S. Rocas Clemente, "amongst mosses on trees in Epping Forest."