60 On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, , R. pollinaria, Ach. — On trunks near Waltham Abbey, Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Near Copthall Lodge. Sterile (J. M. G.). Tribe—Usneei. Usnea hirta, L. — On rails at Walthamstow. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). This species is now extinct in the Forest. U. ceratina, var. scabrosa, f. ferruginascens, Cromb.—Hain- ault Forest, near Hoghill Pond. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Now also extinct. Tribe—Alectoriei. Alectoria jubata, L. — ". On some boards on the edge Of Hoghill Pond, Hainault Forest," vide E. Forster's MS. notes.' There is, however, no specimen in Hb. E. F., nor have I seen any trace of it in the Forest. Tribe—Cetrariei. Cetraria aculeata, f. hispida, Lightf.—At Lord's Pond and Hoghill, Hainault Forest. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). On heaths near the British Camp and the "Wake Arms." Sterile (J. M. C). Platysma glaucum, L. — Near High Beach. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). No trace of this species is now to be seen in the Forest, and it is evidently extinct. Tribe—Parmeliei . Evernia prunastri, L. — On trees at Walthamstow and in the Forest. Sparingly fertile (Hb. E. F.). At High Beach and in various other parts (J. M. C), but sterile and usually in a stunted condition. Parmelia saxatilis, L. — On trunks of trees here and there throughout the Forest. Sterile (J. M. C). Seen only sparingly, and poorly developed. P. sulcata, Tayl. — In a lane between Theydon Gate and Theydon Church; sterile. Also on an oak near the King's Oak, High Beach; fertile. Near Hoghill Pond, Hainault Forest; sterile (Hb. E. F.). I have not observed this species. P. borreri, Turn. — On apple-trees in Hoe Street, Wal- thamstow. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Near Chingford and at High Beach. Sterile (J. M. C.). P. caperata, L. — Near Hoghill, in Hainault Forest;