62 On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, P. pulverulenta, Schreb. — On an old tree between the Reindeer and King's Oak. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). On the road from Epping Station to Epping. Fertile (J. M. C). The trees in this latter locality have since been felled. Var. pityrea, Ach. — On a tree opposite the King's Oak, High Beach. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). Also beyond the King's Oak. Sterile (J. M. C). Now extinct in these localities. Sub-sp. P. tenella, Scop. — On trees at Walthamstow. Fertile (Hb. E. P.). Near Epping. Sterile (J. M. C.). I have not recently seen this subspecies. P. aipolia, Ach. — On dead branches of a willow-tree in the garden, Walthamstow. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). Probably also in old orchards elsewhere, though I have not observed it. P. caesia, Hoffm. — On tiles, Walthamstow. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). I have nowhere seen this species, which apparently is now extinct. P. astroidea, Clem. — On the Forest, near King's Oak. Sterile (Hb. E. F.). I also formerly gathered it in the game place, but have not anywhere seen it recently. P. ulothrix, var. virella, Ach.—On trees in the Forest near Hale End. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). I have nowhere observed this variety. P. adglutinata, Flk. — On an apple-tree in garden, Hoe Street, Walthamstow. Sterile (Hb. E. F. s. n. Parmelia elaeina). I have formerly gathered it also at High Beach. Tribe—Lecanorei. Pannaria nebulosa, Hoffm. — On Epping Forest (E. F.), vide the 'Botanists' Guide,' and also Forster's MS. notes, s.n. Lichen pezizoides. There is no specimen in Hb. E. F., and, if ever gathered there, it is now extinct. Lecanora aurantiaca, Lightf. — On on ash at Nasing Long Green, Walthamstow (Hb. E. F. s. n. Lichen salicinus). High Beach, and near the British Camp [Loughton ?] (J. M. C). L. ferruginea, Huds.—On a tree in the Forest beyond the "King's Oak," High Beach (Hb. E. F.). I have not observed this species. L. luteo-alba, Turn.—On an ash-tree near Hale End (Hb.