and the causes affecting its recent diminution. 63 E. F.). Near Copthall Lodge (J. M. C). Apparently very rare in the Forest. L. cerina, Ehrh. — In Hainault Forest, near Widdington (E. F.), vide Forster's MS. notes. There is no specimen, however, in his herbarium, nor have I anywhere seen the plant. L. laciniosa, Duf. — On old trees near the King's Oak, High Beach. Sterile (J. M. C). Now extinct, in conse- quence of the trees having been felled. L. vitellina, Ehrh. — On a wall (terricole) at Waltham- stow. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). Also on trees in a wood at Hale End. Fertile (Hb. E. F.). I have not myself observed this species. L. roboris, Duf. — On the Forest, not far from Hale banks (?), (Hb. E. F.). On old trees near King's Oak (J. M. C). Not recently seen, and probably extinct. L. exigua, Ach. — On tiles at Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.). On trees about High Beach, not unfrequent (J. M. C). Formerly also plentiful near Copthall Lodge. L. galactina, Ach.—On mortar of brick-walls near Lough- ton, and at Epping (J. M. C). Probably also elsewhere. L. allophana, Ach. — On trees near Copthall, and at High Beach (J. M. CY). L. parisiensis, Nyl.—On trees at Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.). I have not observed this species, though it is probably to be found elsewhere. L. chlarona, Ach.—On the Forest, near Salter's Buildings (Hb. E. F.). Near Chingford, at High Beach, and near Ambresbury Banks (J. M. C). Apparently pretty common. L. albella, Pers. — On the Forest, near Epping (Hb. E. F.). On an old tree near Copthall Lodge (J. M. C). I have not recently observed this species. L. angulosa, Ach. — On the Forest, near Loughton (Hb. E. F.). Not seen by me, though probably to be detected in other localities. Var. sordidescens, Flk. — Ou Epping Forest (Hb. E. F.). This variety is apparently now extinct. L. varia, Ach. — On rails at Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.).