66 On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, L. flexuosa, var. aruyinosa, Borr. — On dead decorticated trunks in the Wake Valley. Very sparingly fertile (J. M. C.). L. uliginosa, Schrad. — On the ground in various parts of the Forest, plentiful near the "Wake Arms," but elsewhere sparingly (J. M. C.). L. fuliginea, Fr.—On old decaying pales and stumps about High Beach, Theydon Bois, and Copthall. Barely fertile (J. M. C.). L. denigrata, Fr.—On old rails by the pond in Lodge Road. Very sparingly (J. M. C.). Now extinct in that locality. L. tricolor, With. — On trees by the roadside beyond "King's Oak," where it was formerly very fine and abundant, but is now scarcely to be seen, except in a spermogoniiferous condition, in which it occurs also in Hawk Wood (J. M. C.). L. milliaria, Fr.—On the ground near the "Wake Arms." Very sparingly in one spot (J. M. C). L. sphaeroides, Dcks. — On a tree in the Forest, between Loughton and Epping (Hb. E. F.). A very fine specimen. I have nowhere seen this species. L. luteola, Ach. — On trees in Theydon Churchyard, and lane near Debden Green (Hb. E. F.). Near Copthall (J. M. C). Not recently observed by me. L. tantilla, Nyl.—On pales at Hoe Street, Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.). Formerly on pales (now removed) in the New Road, behind the "King's Oak" (J. M. C.).2 b. Eulecidea. L. canescens, Dcks.—Old trees at Walthamstow. Sterile (Hb.E.F.). Near the "King's Oak," High Beach. Fertile (J. M. C.). Also on trees by the roadside in various parts, but always sterile. L. parasema, Ach.—On trees at High Beach. Copthall, and Wintry Wood, near Epping. Sparingly (J. M. C). 2 Lichen viridescens, enumerated in Forster's MS. notes, and said to have been gathered ou a wall in Hoe Street, Walthamstow, is not present in his Hb. Certainly it is not Lecidea viridescens (Schrad.). So also the specimen of Lichen graniformis in Hb. Forster, "On barn-doors, Waltham- stow," is too abraded and imperfect to be identified. It evidently is not Lecidea ehrhartiana, Ach.