68 On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest, G. inusta, Sm. — On hornbeam in Hawk Wood, at High Beach, and elsewhere (J. M. C.). Apparently now very scarce, if not altogether extinct. G. scripta, var. pulverulenta, Pers. — On trees at High Beach, and near the "Wake Arms" (J.M.C.). Bather scarce. F. betuligna, Ach.—On the Forest, near Salter's Buildings, and between Walthamstow and Loughton (Hb. B. P.). I have not seen this form. Var. serpentina, Ach.—On trees about High Beach. Very sparingly (J. M. C). Opegrapha lyncea, Sm. — On Hainault Forest (W. Sowerby); and also on Epping Forest, near the "Bald-faced Stag" (Hb. E. F.). Formerly on old trees (since felled) near Copthall Lodge (J. M. C.). Probably now extinct. O. atba, Pers. — Between Hale End and Chapel End (Hb. E. P.). Near High Beach (J. M. C). Var. denigrata, Ach, — At Hoe Street, Hale End, and High Beach (Hb. E. P.), Near Copthall, and at Wintry Wood, Epping (J. M, C). Var. hapalea, Ach.—On the trunks of trees. Sparingly at Hawk Wood and High Beach (J. M. C). O. notha, Ach.— On Epping Forest (Hb. E. P.). Beyond the "King's Oak," High Beach. Sparingly on a single tree (J. M. C). I have not recently seen this species. O. pulicaris, Hoffm.—On hornbeam near the "King's Oak," High Beach (J. M. C). Not recently observed by me. O. betulina, Sm. — On hornbeam near the "King's Oak," High Beach (J. M. C). Formerly not uncommon in several spots, but apparently now extinct. To this is referable O. turneri, Leight., and O. atrorimalis, Nyl. O. vulgata, Ach.—In the garden, Hoe Street, Walthamstow. Various states (Hb. E. F.). Also sparingly elsewhere in the Forest (J. M. C). O. subsidebella, Nyl. — Near Theydon Bois (Hb. E. F.). I have not observed this species, though it may probably be still extant in the Forest. O. herpetica, Ach. — Near tho "King's Oak," High Beach (Hb. E. P.). On Epping Road, beyond Forest Lodge (J. M. C).