and the causes affecting its recent diminution. 69 Stigmatidium crassum, Dub. — On the Hawk, near Ching- ford ; and on Epping Forest (Hb. E. F.). Near High Beach, formerly plentiful, but now scarce (J. M. C). Arthonia astroidea, Ach. — On apple-trees in garden at Hoe Street, and between Hale End and Chapel End, Wal- thamstow (Hb. E. F.). Here and there sparingly in the Forest (J. M. C). A. swartziana, Ach.—In the garden, Hoe Street, Waltham- stow (Hb. E. F.). I have not observed this species (J. M. C). A. cinnabarina, Wallr. — On Epping Forest (Hb. E. F.). Near High Beach (J. M. C). Apparently rare in the Forest. Var. kermesina, Nyl. — On hornbeam, Epping Forest (Hb. E. F.). Wintry Wood, near Epping (J. M. C). Also very rare, like the type. Tribe—Pyrenocarpei. Endocarpon hepaticum, Ach. — On old ant-hills in Epping Forest, near Salter's Buildings (Hb. E. F.). F. trapeziformis, Zoega. — On Epping Forest, near Wal- thamstow, fide Forster's MS. notes. This probably is refer- able to the type. I have not observed this species, which is possibly now extinct. Verrucaria nitida, Schrad. — On hornbeam in Epping Forest, beyond Loughton (Hb. E. F.). In Hawk Wood, at High Beach, and elsewhere in the N. portions of the Forest (J. M. C). Formerly plentiful, but now dying out, and seldom found with the spores evolute. Var. nitidella, Flk.—Not uncommon on trees in the Forest (Hb. E. F.). Sparingly near High Beach (J. M. C). Verrucaria gemmata, Ach.—On the Forest, near Halebank, Walthamstow; and also in Epping Forest (Hb. E. P.). Beyond the "King's Oak," and near Copthall Lodge (J. M. C). V. biformis, Borr.—On a tree in Mark House Field, Wal- thamstow (Hb. E. F.). In Wintry Wood, near Epping (J. M. C). Apparently very rare. V. epidermidis, var. analepta, Ach. — Ou a tree in Hoe Street, Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.). Not seen by me. V. nigrescens, Pers.—On walls, Walthamstow (Hb. E. F.