On the Sand-Pit at High Ongar, Essex. 85 Beds in conjunction with the older formations in the same delineation, I accompanied it by a copy of the Ordnance ten miles to the inch Index-map coloured (in MS.) geologically, on which I inserted by careful reduction from the one inch to the mile sheets the contours of all the arcs which were the subject of the paper on the River-valleys of the East of England in the Phil. Mag., and with that minuteness and care which the scale of that map allowed, and in which they consequently strike the eye more clearly than in the litho- graphed map to the last-mentioned paper. This manuscript map I presented in 1866 to the Library of the Geological Society, where it can be seen on application to the Librarian. Wickham Bishop, Essex. Fig. 1.—Mr. Dalton's representation with assumed fault. Fig. 2.—Suggested correction by sinuosity in the fold. c. Glacial Gravel; d. London Clay ; e. Reading Beds; f. Thanet Beds ; g. Chalk. I have added, in manuscript, to the plate of my paper on River-valleys of the east of England placed in the Club's library, a copy of the section at page 25 of the Geological Survey Memoir for sheet 12,10 which crosses one of the Isle of Wight arcs, and shows the flexure there; and have indi- cated the direction of it on the map by the line marked "A—B" there. I have also added a copy of the section in a chalk-pit N. of Barkway, on the Royston escarpment brow 10 'The Geology of South Berkshire and North Hampshire. Illustrating Sheet 12.' By H. W. Bristow and W. Whitaker. London, Geological Survey.