86 On the Sand-Pit at High Ongar, Essex. (fig. 2 on page 8 of Geological Survey Memoir for sheet 47),11 showing the fold in that arc of the Canterbury series, discovered by the Geological Survey years after the publica- tion of my paper ; and as it seems to me that the fault which Mr. Dalton has, in the plate annexed to his paper in the 'Transactions' of the Club, shown as traversing the fold at Wickham Bishop does not exist, and that the features to explain which it has been introduced are simply the result of some sinuosity in the fold, I here (see diagram) give a copy of so much of his representation as that question applies to, and beside it the representation in explanation of the case which I prefer. 11 'The Geology of the N.W. part of Essex and the N.E. part of Herts, &c.' By W. Whitaker, W. H. Penning, W. H. Dalton, and P. J. Bennett. London, Geological Survey.