88 Miscellaneous Notes on Deneholes. much resembled No. 3 in size, shape, and general appearance; the thickness of the chalk roof in No. 5 being, however, only 2 ft. In consequence of this thinness, there was a round spot Fig. 1. — Hangman's Wood, No. 4 Pit. Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. Height of chambers 16 ft., except the S.E. and S.W., which are 14 ft. se. Position of "pipes" in roof. in the roof of the chamber next to No. 6, about 2 ft. or there- abouts in diameter, in which the green-coated flints at the base of the Thanet Sand were exposed to view.3 3 That these flints were in place was made manifest by the ignition of some magnesium wire which our Secretary had brought down. I may also mention that among the few who descended No. 5 were our President and the Rev. W. Linton Wilson. I was assisted in taking measurements by Mr. W. E. Martin.