Miscellaneous Nates on Deneholes. 97 trees appear on the map (6 in. Ord. Map, Sheet 44, Kent). They are very close to each other, and one of them is still of considerable depth. The next pits seen were two near to the N.E. corner of the wood N.W. of Pivington Farm. These two pits are very close together, and are on the line of a hedge which formerly ranged from the corner of the wood to the parish boundary. One of these pits still preserves its original shape, and is about 27 ft. deep. It is much valued as a means of getting rid of worthless carcases, which gradually decay and disappear, leaving but a few bones Fig. 4.—Pit near Lenham, between Birch Wood and Woodside Green. Scale 40 ft. to the inch. behind. From this point we proceeded in a north-westerly direction along the footpath leading from Warren Street to Woodside Green. After passing Birch Wood, three pits very close together were , noticed, beside the footpath, in the next irregular strip of wood; and in the border of the wooded patch succeeding it, and about one hundred yards north of the footpath, we came to an open pit. Being the best fitted for investigation, and a good typical example of the whole class, Mr. Hatch had been good enough to furnish the means