Miscellaneous Notes on Deneholes. 101 V. Notes on a Pit in Joyden's Wood, visited November 10th, 1883.8 I was also indebted to the Sidcup and Crays Field Club for a pleasant clay in Joyden's Wood at the above date. We then descended into a pit more singular than any I had hitherto seen. It is situated near the eastern margin of Joyden's (or Jorden's) Wood, and about 460 yards due east of the "summerhouse" marked on the six-inch Ordnance Map. Fig. 5.—Pit in Joyden's Wood, 460 yards east of Summerhouse. Scale 40 ft. to the inch. We found that the Thanet Sand in its shaft only attained a thickness of 24 ft., instead of the 40 ft. to 60 ft. of shafts in the westerly parts of the wood. A glance at the map showed the existence of open chalk quarries about 280 yards away in a south-easterly direction. 8 [Since the original paper was read some additional material has corne in, which "it is thought best to add to the notes. The whole has been carefully revised by Mr. Holmes.—Ed.]