Whale lately taken in the River Crouch. 115 species of which Rudolphi's specimen was the type, and this was translated into Latin by Lesson, as Balaenoptera borealis, in his 'Histoire Naturelle des Cetaces,' p. 342 (1828). Although there was afterwards a confusion between this species and the larger one now known as B. sibbaldii, and the name borealis sometimes applied to the latter, of its first application to this species there can be no doubt, as it has distinct priority over Gray's name laticeps ('Zoology of the Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,' 1846), also founded on Rudolphi's description, and which is moreover very inappro- priate, as the head is not wider proportionately than in other members of the genus. Postsceipt.—The delay in the publication of this paper has enabled me to add, that in the month of September, 1884, a whale of the same species, and about the same size, was caught near Goole, in the River Humber. The skeleton is being prepared for the collection of Cetacea in the British Museum.