122 Local Scientific Societies, &c. found. The fact that local societies have not in past times been sufficiently alive to the important work which might thus have been done, by taking advantage of any unavoidable demolition of prehistoric remains, has led to the destruction of a vast amount of material which, under proper super- vision, might have furnished facts of lasting importance to anthropological science. It remains with your respective societies to determine whether such ruthless waste of evidence is to be allowed in the future. [The principal items of information requested to be fur- nished to the Ancient Remains Committee of the Essex Field Club by local residents and antiquaries generally, are :— (1) The situation of the remains with respect to the nearest town or village, and whether entered on any published map. (2) Supposed origin or period of construction, and whether any tradition or belief is current in the neighbourhood with respect to the earthwork or other remains. (3), Whether ever explored ; if so, by whom ; with references to published or unpublished records of the explorations, and present place of deposit or owner of any relies discovered. (4) Account of any remains that have been demolished in the neighbourhood, with dates and references. (5) Pull bibliographical references to works giving information respecting the remains in Essex, and to other sources of information both general and local. —Ed]