124 The Use of the Hygro-Spectroscope of the instrument used by the author. This spectroscope contains a battery of five prisms : 1, 3, and 5 are made of crown-glass, and 2 and 4 of flint-glass. It is found that by this arrangement a greater dispersion of the coloured rays is produced, and consequently a better view of the dark, or "Fraunhofer's," lines obtained. The prisms are contained in a cylinder of brass, which slides in another tube to allow of adjustment, and the slit, stops, and various other adjuncts make up an instrument called the "Direct-vision Spectro- scope." The course of the rays of light is shown by the converging, diverging, parallel and again diverging lines. The light entering the end of the instrument has to pass through a flat piece of microscopical glass to a slit which is adjustable to as fine a degree as is necessary by means of the milled wheel outside (Fig. 2). The rays forming the image Fig. 2.—Grace's Spectroscope, as made by Mr. Browning, about two- thirils actual size. of the slit are rendered parallel by passing through the plano- convex lens ; these again travel through the prisms, and are split up into the various colours forming the prismatic spectrum, an extended view being visible when the eye is placed at the opening at the other end of the instrument. In the more perfect forms of Grace's Hygro-spectroscopes an adjustable photographic micrometer, with prism of comparison, is fitted to the outside of the instrument.—Ed.] The use of the spectroscope in the study of the weather is of comparatively recent date. At the present time it is not yet generally recognised by scientific men as an addition worthy to be placed amongst the instruments forming the equipment of the meteorologist, but happily, I am pleased to state, the evidence in favour of it has considerably augmented during the last twelve months; in fact I am almost daily receiving testimony from various sources that something must be expected from the analysis of daylight as an aid in forecasting weather, and that the indications of the hygro-