134 Some Additional Notes on Essex Watersheds. The watershed between the Crouch and the Chelmer, east of Billericay, passes south of Ramsden Heath and South Hanningfield to Ralphs, east and north-east of Bast Hanning- field to Flambards, north of Stow Maries and Latchingdon, but south of Norton Cold and east of Snoreham, to Althorne. The Wid is made up of numerous streamlets from Black- more, Doddinghurst, Shenfield, and Ingrave. The watershed between the Blackwater and the Cam lies north-east of Henham-on-the-Hill and Debden, to the west of Wimbish, and so to the county boundary north of Cowless Farm; and that between it and the Stour, south-east from this point to the south of Darkens, north of Hempstead, between Rivets and Whitley; and that between it and the Colne passes north of Mark's Hall, and from Inworth, Kelvedon Hall and Braxted Park to Tiptree Heath, south of Tiptree House, north of Hill Farm, to Rockingham and Peldon, north of Great Wigborough to the channel sepa- rating Mersea Island from the mainland. The watershed between the valleys of the Colne and the Stour passes from the north of Birdbrook to Ashen, Ovingten Wold and Huslins, south of Crouch House, north of Dag- worths, east of Pebmarsh and north of Baggerets to Hammit's Farm, then south of Westwood House and of Horkesley Plantation, north of Manor House and south of Langham Moor, north of Dedham, Birch Wood, Stud Hall, Watts and Abbotts Hall, south of Dengewell, Great Oakley and Little Oakley Churches, and of Ramsey.