138 Notes on the Geological Position of the Human Tilbury Fort, which is one of those given by Mr. Whitaker in his paper on "Some Essex Weils";2 it also appears in one of two sections of borings made between Tilbury Docks and Fort. Mr. Whitaker having kindly sent me the details of these new borings, they cannot be given in a better place than this :— Those who took part in the excursion to Tilbury Docks on May 17th, 1884, must have observed the gentle undulations of the beds and the freshness of the vegetable remains. The lower of the two peaty beds visible, when examined, was found to contain the remains of reeds, horse-tails, heather, and other plants, reeds decidedly predominating. A thing 2 [Read before the Essex Field Club, March 29th, 1884, but not yet published.—Ed.] 3 Mr. Whitaker adds a note—"These were given me in 1883."