152 Essex Well-Sections. Barking. Dr. J. Mitchell's MSS., vol. iii., p. 85. Through blue clay to sand and pebbles, with water, 57 feet. Barking Side.—Mission Home. 1876. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. Docwra & Son. Shaft 72 feet, the rest bored. Water-level about GO feet down. Birchanger. Sunk and communicated by Mr. G. Ingold, of Bishops Stortford. Shaft. Boulder Clay, 20 feet; London Clay, 47 feet; total 67 feet. Sandy at bottom,-"with water. Brook Street.—On the high road W.S.W, of Brentwood. Dr. J. Mitchell's MSS., vol. iii., p. 75. Water got after passing through about 340 feet of clay, and rose to within 100 feet of the surface. Broxted.—Sucksted Green. Sunk and communicated by Mr. G. Ingold. Shaft. Thickness. Depth. White and brown clay ...... 14 ... 14 Chalky sand and stones ... 2 ... 16 Blue clay........................ 13 ...29 Sand ........................... 11 ... 40 Blue clay........................ 19 ... S9 Sand and gravel............... 21/2 ... 611/2 Chadwell Heath ?. "Between Chadwell Street and the turn- pike-gate near the 10 mile-stone on the road from Romford. to London." Dr. J. Mitchell's MSS., ? vol. iii., p. 72.