Essex Well-Sections. 159 Thickness. Depth. [Gault.] Chalk [? whitish calcareous clay] 41/2 feet. [Specimens of Gault clay from 950 feet down. At the bottom some pieces of phosphatic nodules, such as about occur at the base of the Gault] ............ 172 ? ... 1100 An account from Mr. T. Tilley, who bored the lowest part of the well, is as follows :— This boring, one of the deepest in the London Basin, is the second in Essex that, after passing through the Tertiary beds, has pierced the Chalk, the Upper Greensand, and the Gault, the other being at Harwich. See 'The Geology of the Eastern end of Essex (Walton Naze and Harwich).' Maldon.— Warren's Foundry, near the Railway Station. Information from Mr. Hatley (to Mr. Dalton). Gravel ........................ 21 London Clay ............... 130 To sand............ 151 Maldon (Heybridge).—Bentall's Nut and Bolt Factory. 1872. Information got by Mr. W. H. Dalton from Mr. Barham, well-sinker, and from specimens. Shaft, 75 feet; the rest bored. Maiden spring 90 feet down.