Essex Well-Sections. 165 at 1221/2, 61/3 feet; at 200, 42/3 feet; at 274 it ebbed and flowed with the tide, to 6 in. above and 6 in. below the marsh-level; at 360, 111/2 in. above the marsh-level; at 502, 14 in.; at the last, 19 in. (at high-water spring tides). Lowered to a depth of 80 feet by hard pumping. Yield, at depth of 360 feet, 520 galls, an hour at 100 feet deep ; at 502 feet, 1300 galls, an hour for the veins at 460 feet and 2200 for those at 502. 26,000 galls, a day taken.